The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the county, establishing goals and objectives to direct the county's growth and development, and carries out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi statutes. Supervisors are elected from each of the five districts in the county to serve a four-year term. The Board oversees county operations and enacts ordinances and resolutions to promote the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and businesses in the county, and approves the annual budget and millage rate which funds the operations of the offices and departments under the Board's jurisdiction.
Some of the Board’s primary duties include:
- Adopting an annual budget
- Establishing the annual property tax rate
- Setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the county's growth and development
- Adopting and providing for ordinances, rules and regulations as necessary for the general welfare of the county
- Carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi state statutes
If you wish to appear before the Board of Supervisors to discuss an important matter pertaining to the county, you must notify Racine Breland at not later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday meeting. Any backup information and/or exhibits pertaining to the matter you wish to discuss must be delivered to the Board Office by the same deadline. If you have been scheduled to appear before the Board, or if you have a matter to be discussed and you would like to have it dismissed from the agenda, please contact Racine Breland prior to the beginning of the meeting.
County Courthouse
323 East Cavers Avenue
PO Drawer 7
Wiggins MS 39577
Phone: 601-928-5266
Fax: 601-928-6464
Jimmy Spring District 1 Phone: 601-928-8204 |
Daniel Harris District 2 Phone: 601-408-9431 |
Stevie Lee District 3 - Vice President Phone: 601-528-2828 |
Ronald Howard District 4 - President Phone: 601-916-2061 |
Nathan Bond District 5 Phone: 601-528-4089 |