stone county ms road Danny Fore

Road Department Manager 
Phone: (601) 928-9261

Department Personnel: 
Susan Parker 
Administrative Assistant 

Mailing Address:
320 E. Cavers Avenue 
Wiggins, MS 39577

Physical Address: 
320 E. Cavers Avenue
Wiggins, MS 39577

Phone: 601-928-9261 or 601-928-9265
Fax: 601-928-6468
Hours: M-F 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm.

Duties and Responsibilities

The role of the Stone County Road Department includes road repair, road construction projects--of limited size, maintaining drainage, and mowing roadways during the growing seasons.

The role of the Stone County Solid Waste Department includes collecting household garbage county-wide.

Helpful Information

Problems with Roads or Drainage?

  • Contact Danny Fore at 601-928-9261

Problems with Garbage Pick-up?

  • Contact Susan Parker at 601-928-9261

Acceptable Waste

  • Please see the public notice link below for acceptable and unacceptable wastes for pick-up by the county.

Appliances and Waste Tire Disposal

  • Appliances (White Goods) and Waste Tires may be dropped off at the following location every Saturday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    • 523 South 1st Street
      Wiggins MS 39577