Welcome to the Stone County Chancery Clerk web page! Here you will find information about our office and descriptions of our duties, plus our office address, telephone numbers, and email address. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.
Samuel Tom Smith
Chancery Clerk
323 East Cavers Avenue
PO Drawer 7
Wiggins MS 39577
Phone: 601-928-5266
Fax: 601-928-6464
Email: tsmith@stonecountyms.gov
Hours: M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Deputy Clerks:
Cindy Rogers, Chancery Court
Email: crogers@stonecountyms.gov
Stephanie Lee, Land Records
Micholyn Jamison, Accounts Payable / Inventory Clerk
Racine Breland, Receiving/Land Redemption/Assistant Bookkeeper
Alicia Flynn
Duties and Responsibilities
The Chancery Clerk occupies perhaps the most unique and diverse office in all of Mississippi government. The various duties given the Chancery Clerk by statute, or assumed voluntarily by the individual Clerk, cover a wide range of vitally important functions. The duties and functions of the Chancery Clerk are governed by an elaborate assortment of statutes and court rules, along with procedures established either by the State Department of Audit or the Department of Finance and Administration.
As the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors responsibilities include:
- Attends all meetings of board of supervisors
- Records the minutes of the board
- Receives and processing claims made against the county, which necessarily includes maintaining the county's Docket of Claims
- Assists the board in equalizing the assessment rolls of real and personal property
- Compiles various reports on the board's behalf and submitting them to other state governmental entities as required
- Assists the board in preparing the annual county budget
- Submits a monthly report of all county funds to the board
As County Auditor and Treasurer, the Clerk's responsibilities include:
- Keeps accounts with each county office
- Keeps ledger accounts of all receipts and disbursements of county funds
- Keeps financial records for all county officers responsible for receiving or collecting money for the county, including a detailed account for debits and credits against the tax collector
- Issues receipt warrants and properly documenting funds paid to the county
- Collects privilege taxes and issuing privilege licenses on an annual basis
- Receives and disburses money on behalf of the county
- Reconciles statements from the county depository
As Public Recorder, the Clerk handles the recording and storage of several types of documents and maintains various indexes that aid people in researching these records. The primary records are deeds and mortgages relating to real property, but the Clerk also records construction and condominium liens, federal tax liens, Lis Pendens (notices of pending lawsuits) and military discharges. The Clerk is in charge of the storage and authorized disposal of older land rolls, tax receipts and many other County records after their active use lifespan.
As Clerk of the Chancery Court, the Clerk handles a multitude of tasks such as matters of estates, guardianships, conservatorships, divorces, child custody, adoption, property disputes and other matters of equity.
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